Postdoctoral Position
The Biomolecular Design Research Group in the department of Chemistry at Rutgers University-Newark is seeking a qualified Post-Doctoral Associate. Candidates should have experience with designing, handling, constructing, and characterizing DNA and RNA materials. Candidates are expected to have a skill set of imaging techniques including AFM and TEM. Although it is not required, a working knowledge of molecular biology is strongly desired. Please email a short statement of research interest and CV to fei(dot)zhang(at)rutgers(dot)edu

Graduate Students
Students interested in joining in the Biomolecular Design Lab should apply to the graduate program at Rutgers University-Newark Department of Chemistry (click here for more information). Current RUN graduate students interested in our research are encouraged to email Prof. Zhang or stop by our lab (we are here) to discuss your research interests.
Undergraduate Students
Our lab hosts undergraduate research during spring and fall semesters. Excellent students will have opportunities for paid summer internships in our lab (supported by NSF). Please email Prof. Zhang or stop by our lab (we are here) to discuss your research interests.

Thank our high school intern, Diego Arias for creating the 'Openings' webpage.